Apple Silicon Games for Mac M1, M2 Macbook Pro and Mac Studio

m1 macbook games

Apple has been making huge strides in the computer industry by developing its own processors, and the new Apple Silicon-based Macs are evidence of that. With the M1 chip, Apple has achieved unparalleled performance and efficiency, which has made it possible to run iOS and iPadOS apps natively on macOS. While this is an excellent feature, gaming has been a challenge on Macs for a long time. However, with the introduction of the M1 chip, Apple Silicon games for Mac are now a reality.

What is Apple Silicon?

Apple Silicon is the term used to describe the ARM-based processors that power Apple’s Macs. These processors are designed by Apple and are built on the same architecture used in the iPhone and iPad. With Apple Silicon, Macs can now run iOS and iPadOS apps natively, as well as Mac apps that have been optimized for the M1 chip. This has greatly increased the performance and efficiency of Macs.

Apple Silicon Games for Mac

One of the significant advantages of the M1 chip is its ability to run iOS and iPadOS apps natively on macOS. This has opened up a new world of possibilities for Mac gaming. With Apple Silicon, games that were previously only available on the iPhone and iPad can now be played on Macs. Many popular games such as Among Us, Genshin Impact, and PUBG Mobile are now available on Macs with the M1 chip.

How to Find Apple Silicon Games for Mac?

Finding Apple Silicon games for Mac is relatively easy. The App Store on macOS has a section specifically for M1-compatible apps. Simply open the App Store and click on the “M1” tab to see a list of all the apps that have been optimized for the M1 chip. From there, you can find many Apple Silicon games for Mac.

Game Genre API M1 Support Performance
Asphalt 8 Racing Metal Native Excellent
Asphalt 9 Racing Metal Native Excellent
Baldur’s Gate 3 RPG Metal Native Good
Disco Elysium RPG Metal Native Good
Factorio Strategy OpenGL Native Excellent
Farming Simulator 22 Simulation Metal Native Good
Football Manager 2023 Simulation Metal Native Good
Gang Beasts Action Metal Native Good
Horizon Chase Turbo Racing Metal Native Good
Minecraft Sandbox Metal Native Good
Myst Adventure Metal Native Good
NBA 2K22 Arcade Sports Metal Native Good
Old World Strategy Metal Native Good
Pascal’s Wager: Definitive Edition RPG Metal Native Good
Prodeus Shooter Metal Native Good
Resident Evil Village Action Metal Native Excellent
RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 Simulation Metal Native Good
Runescape MMO Metal Native Good
SimCity 4 Strategy Metal Native Good
Spacebase Startopia Strategy Metal Native Good
The Wandering Village Strategy Metal Native Good
Timberborn Strategy Metal Native Good
Tunic Adventure Metal Native Good
World of Warcraft MMO Metal Native Good
World of Warcraft: Classic MMO Metal Native Good
X-Plane 12 Simulation Metal Native Good
Among Us Party Metal iOS Good
Pokemon Quest Adventure Metal iOS Good
Horizon Chase Turbo Racing TBC Rosetta Good
0 A.D. Strategy Metal Rosetta Good
7 Days to Die Shooter OpenGL Rosetta Good
911 Operator Simulation OpenGL Rosetta Good
A Total War Saga: Troy Strategy Metal Rosetta Good
Age of Wonders: Planetfall Strategy TBC Rosetta Average
Albion Online MMO TBC Rosetta Good
Alien: Isolation Horror OpenGL Rosetta Average
American Truck Simulator Simulation OpenGL Rosetta Good
Aragami Action OpenGL Rosetta Average
ARK: Survival Evolved Survival OpenGL Rosetta Good
Art of Rally Racing TBC Rosetta Good
Baba is You Puzzle TBC Rosetta Good
Bastion Adventure TBC Rosetta Good
Batman: Arkham City Action Metal Rosetta Good
Battle for Wesnoth Strategy OpenGL Rosetta Average
BATTLETECH Strategy Metal Rosetta NA
Beholder Adventure OpenGL Rosetta Good
Beyond A Steel Sky Adventure Metal Rosetta Good
Bioshock 2 Remastered Shooter Metal Rosetta Good
BioShock Remastered Shooter Metal Rosetta Good
Bitburner Simulation TBC Rosetta Good
Borderlands 2 Shooter Metal Rosetta Average
Borderlands 3 Shooter Metal Rosetta Average
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Shooter Metal Rosetta Good
CARRION Action OpenGL Rosetta Good
Cave Story Adventure OpenGL Rosetta Good
Celeste Action Vulkan Rosetta Poor
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare Action OpenGL Rosetta NA
Cities: Skylines Simulation OpenGL Rosetta Average
Civilization 5 Strategy Metal Rosetta Good
Civilization 6 Strategy OpenGL Rosetta Good
Company of Heroes 2 Strategy Metal Rosetta Good
Counter Strike: Global Offensive Shooter OpenGL Rosetta Good
Crab Game Action TBC Rosetta Good
Crusader Kings 3 Strategy OpenGL Rosetta Average
Cult of the Lamb Action TBC Rosetta Good
Cuphead Action Metal Rosetta Good
Darkest Dungeon RPG TBC Rosetta Good
Dead Cells Action TBC Rosetta NA
Descenders Racing TBC Rosetta Average
Desperados 3 Strategy Metal Rosetta Good
Deus Ex: Man-kind Divided Shooter Metal Rosetta Good
Diablo 3 RPG OpenGL Rosetta Good
DiRT 4 Racing Metal Rosetta Good
DiRT Rally Racing Metal Rosetta Good
Distance Racing TBC Rosetta Good
Divinity: Original Sin RPG TBC Rosetta Good
Divinity: Original Sin 2 RPG Metal Rosetta Good
Doki Doki Literature Club! Visual Novel OpenGL Rosetta Good
Dome Keeper Action TBC Rosetta Good
Don’t Starve Together Simulation Metal Rosetta Good
Dota 2 MOBA Vulkan Rosetta Good
Dota Underlords Strategy TBC Rosetta Good
Dwarf Fortress Strategy OpenGL Rosetta NA
Dying Light Shooter OpenGL Rosetta Good
Elder Scrolls Online MMO Vulkan Rosetta Poor
Euro Truck Simulator 2 Simulation OpenGL Rosetta Good
Europa Universalis 4 Strategy OpenGL Rosetta Good
EVE Online MMO Metal Rosetta Good
Everspace Action Metal Rosetta Good
F1 2016 Racing Metal Rosetta Average
F1 2017 Racing Metal Rosetta Good
Final Fantasy 14 Online MMO Metal Rosetta Poor
Firewatch Adventure OpenGL Rosetta Good
Fishing Planet Simulation Metal Rosetta Average
Football Manager 2021 Simulation Metal Rosetta Good
Football Manager 2022 Simulation Metal Rosetta Good
Fortnite Shooter Metal Rosetta Good
Frostpunk Strategy Metal Rosetta Average
Garry’s Mod Sandbox TBC Rosetta Good
GRID: Autosport Racing OpenGL Rosetta Good
Hades RPG Metal Rosetta Good
Hearthstone CCD Metal Rosetta Good
Hearts of Iron 4 Strategy OpenGL Rosetta Good
Hellpoint RPG Metal Rosetta Good
Her Story Adventure OpenGL Rosetta Good
Heroes of the Storm MOBA Metal Rosetta Good
Hitman Action Metal Rosetta Good
Hollow Knight Action OpenGL Rosetta Good
House Flipper Simulation TBC Rosetta Average
Human: Fall Flat Adventure OpenGL Rosetta Excellent
Inscryption CCD TBC Rosetta Good
INSIDE Adventure Metal Rosetta Good
Insurgency Shooter OpenGL Rosetta NA
Into the Breach Strategy OpenGL Rosetta Good
Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes Simulation OpenGL Rosetta Good
Kerbal Space Program Simulation Metal Rosetta Good
Kingdoms and Castles Strategy OpenGL Rosetta Good
Layers of Fear Horror TBC Rosetta NA
League of Legends MOBA Metal Rosetta Good
LEGO: The Incredibles Adventure Metal Rosetta Good
Life is Strange Adventure OpenGL Rosetta Good
Life is Strange 2 Adventure Metal Rosetta Good
Life is Strange: Before the Storm Adventure OpenGL Rosetta Good
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime Action OpenGL Rosetta Good
Mad Max Action OpenGL Rosetta Good
Magic The Gathering Arena CCD TBC Rosetta Good
Metro: 2033 Redux Shooter OpenGL Rosetta NA
Metro: Exodus Shooter Metal Rosetta Good
Metro: Last Light Redux Shooter OpenGL Rosetta Good
Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor Action OpenGL Rosetta Average
Moonlighter RPG OpenGL Rosetta NA
Moto Racer 4 Racing Metal Rosetta Good
Mount & Blade: Warband Strategy OpenGL Rosetta Good
Night in the Woods Adventure OpenGL Rosetta Good
Northgard Strategy TBC Rosetta Good
Obduction Adventure Metal Rosetta Good
OpenTTD Simulation OpenGL Rosetta Good
Outlast Horror OpenGL Rosetta Average
Overcooked! 2 Action TBC Rosetta Good
Owlboy Adventure TBC Rosetta NA
Oxenfree Adventure OpenGL Rosetta NA
Oxygen Not Included Simulation Metal Rosetta Good
Path of Exile RPG Vulkan Rosetta Good
Pathfinder: Kingmaker RPG Metal Rosetta Good
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous RPG Metal Rosetta Average
Phoenix Point Strategy Metal Rosetta NA
Planet Coaster Simulation Metal Rosetta Good
Prison Architect Simulation OpenGL Rosetta Good
Project Zomboid Survival OpenGL Rosetta Good
Psychonauts 2 Adventure Metal Rosetta Good
Realm of the Mad God Exalt MMO OpenGL Rosetta Good
Return of the Obra Dinn Adventure TBC Rosetta Good
Return to Monkey Island Adventure Metal Rosetta Good
RimWorld Simulation TBC Rosetta Good
Rise of the Tomb Raider Action Metal Rosetta Good
Robocraft Action OpenGL Rosetta NA
Rocket League Racing OpenGL Rosetta Good
Rocksmith 2014 Edition: Remastered Simulation OpenGL Rosetta Good
Rust Survival Metal Rosetta Good
Shadow of The Tomb Raider Action Metal Rosetta Average
Skul: The Hero Slayer Action OpenGL Rosetta Good
Slay the Spire CCD TBC Rosetta Good
Sleeping Dogs Action OpenGL Rosetta Good
Slime Rancher Shooter Metal Rosetta Average
SOMA Horror OpenGL Rosetta Good
SpeedRunners Racing TBC Rosetta Good
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 RPG OpenGL Rosetta Good
Starcraft 2 Strategy Metal Rosetta Poor
Stardew Valley Simulation OpenGL Rosetta Good
Stellaris Strategy OpenGL Rosetta Good
STRAFE: Gold Edition Shooter OpenGL Rosetta NA
Stranded Deep Adventure TBC Rosetta Good
Subnautica Adventure Metal Rosetta Average
Subnautica: Below Zero Adventure OpenGL Rosetta Poor
SUPERHOT Shooter Metal Rosetta Good
SUPERHOT: Mind Control Delete Shooter Metal Rosetta Good
Surviving Mars Strategy OpenGL Rosetta Good
TACOMA Adventure OpenGL Rosetta Poor
Terraria Adventure TBC Rosetta Good
The Bard’s Tale IV: Director’s Cut RPG Metal Rosetta Good
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Action TBC Rosetta Good
The Long Dark Adventure Metal Rosetta Good
The Pathless Adventure Metal Rosetta Average
The Sims 2 Simulation Metal Rosetta Crashes
The Sims 4 Simulation Metal Rosetta Good
The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe Adventure Metal Rosetta Good
The Witness Adventure Metal Rosetta Good
Thief Action OpenGL Rosetta Average
Thimbleweed Park Adventure OpenGL Rosetta Good
Tomb Raider Action Metal Rosetta Good
Tooth and Tail Strategy TBC Rosetta Good
Total War: ROME REMASTERED Strategy Metal Rosetta Good
Total War: Three Kingdoms Strategy Metal Rosetta Good
Total War: Warhammer Strategy Metal Rosetta Good
Total War: Warhammer 2 Strategy Metal Rosetta Good
Total War: Warhammer 3 Strategy Metal Rosetta Good
Totally Accurate Battle Simulator Simulation Metal Rosetta Good
TowerFall Ascension Action TBC Rosetta Good
Transistor Adventure TBC Rosetta Good
Transport Fever 2 Strategy Vulkan Rosetta Good
Tropico 6 Strategy Metal Rosetta Average
Two Point Campus Simulation TBC Rosetta Good
Two Point Hospital Simulation TBC Rosetta Good
Undertale RPG OpenGL Rosetta Good
Unpacking Simulation TBC Rosetta Excellent
Untitled Goose Game Puzzle Metal Rosetta Good
UNTURNED Survival Metal Rosetta Good
Vampire Survivors Action TBC Rosetta Excellent
Victor Vran RPG OpenGL Rosetta NA
Victoria 3 Strategy TBC Rosetta Good
War Thunder MMO Metal Rosetta Good
Warcraft 3 Reforged Strategy Metal Rosetta Good
Wasteland 2: Director’s Cut RPG OpenGL Rosetta Good
Wasteland 3 RPG Metal Rosetta Average
World of Tanks Blitz MMO Metal Rosetta Good
X-Plane 11 Simulation TBC Rosetta Good
XCOM 2 Strategy Metal Rosetta Average
Yooka-Laylee Adventure OpenGL Rosetta Good
Arma 3 Shooter Metal Unsupported Crashes
Dungeons & Dragons Online MMO OpenGL Unsupported Crashes
Gravel Racing Metal Unsupported Crashes
Guild Wars 2 MMO OpenGL Unsupported Unsupported
Mafia 3 Action Metal Unsupported Crashes
MXGP3 Racing Metal Unsupported Crashes
Observer Horror Metal Unsupported Crashes
Trove MMO OpenGL Unsupported Unsupported
Age of Wonders 3 Strategy OpenGL Unsupported Unsupported
Brawlhalla Action OpenGL Unsupported Unsupported
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Shooter OpenGL Unsupported Unsupported
Crusader Kings 2 Strategy OpenGL Unsupported Unsupported
Fistful of Frags Shooter OpenGL Unsupported Unsupported
Grid 2 Racing OpenGL Unsupported Unsupported
Half Life 2 Shooter OpenGL Unsupported Unsupported
Homeworld Remastered Strategy OpenGL Unsupported Unsupported
Left 4 Dead 2 Shooter OpenGL Unsupported Unsupported
Monaco: What’s Yours Is Mine Action OpenGL Unsupported Unsupported
Plants vs. Zombies GOTY Edition Strategy OpenGL Unsupported Unsupported
Portal 2 Puzzle OpenGL Unsupported Unsupported
Psychonauts Action TBC Unsupported Unsupported
Punch Club RPG OpenGL Unsupported Unsupported
Spelunky: Classic Adventure OpenGL Unsupported Unsupported
Star Conflict MMO OpenGL Unsupported Unsupported
Team Fortress 2 Shooter OpenGL Unsupported Unsupported
The Lord of the Rings Online MMO OpenGL Unsupported Unsupported
The Stanley Parable Adventure OpenGL Unsupported Unsupported
The Walking Dead Horror OpenGL Unsupported Unsupported
The Witcher RPG OpenGL Unsupported Unsupported
The Witcher 2 RPG OpenGL Unsupported Unsupported
Xenonauts Strategy OpenGL Unsupported Unsupported

Compatibility of Apple Silicon Games for Mac M1 and M2

One of the significant advantages of Apple Silicon games for Mac is that they are optimized for the M1 chip, which means they will run smoothly and efficiently on Macs with the M1 chip. However, older Macs that are not equipped with the M1 chip may have trouble running these games. If you’re not sure if your Mac is compatible with Apple Silicon games, check the system requirements for each game before downloading it.

Adeel Younas

Adeel Younas

Adeel Younas, Editor in Chief of TechWafer, is a tech reviewer and creator specializing in PC hardware and artificial intelligence.

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