How to Quote Someone on Discord

Quote Someone on Discord

Small communities grow great through harmony; great ones fall to pieces through Discord. The spread of communications technologies – Social media, TV news channels – aggravates societal divisions and Discord. Since Discord’s launch in 2015, millions of Gamers have congregated to mold communities around for their games, projects, and other ideas.

Discord is a freeware VoIP application that serves as a group chat platform for gamers while playing games; players can communicate globally through Discord.

Since Discord focuses on chat, gamers can use all sorts of formatting features like bold, italics, underlining, and more built-in features via markdown. These summations help users better extract themselves to ensure that Discord remains a personality-based space.

Although, One feature that end users frequently search for in Discord is the ability to Quote others.

Inefficacy to quote someone on Discord, having to resort to using code blocks or advanced chatbots.

Luckily, quoting is now a built-in Discord feature. Without further ado, let’s jump right in.

How To Quote Messages in Discord

You can quote other Discord users on all platforms, including iOS, desktop, and Android, using the same sorts of methods. Single line quoting takes one line of text. Multi-line quoting is somehow different on desktop; actually, it is relatively more comfortable, just a slight change in the syntax, but the process works the same.

1. Block Quotes (Single-line Quotes & Multi-line Quotes)

Discord had introduced a new markdown of chat formatting called Block Quotes that have useful functionality to quote someone on Discord.

The syntax to use Block Quotes is > or >>> followed by a space.

  • Single-line Quotes: Single-line quoting on Discord is used when you want to quote something that only takes up one line of text.

The syntax of a single-line quote (>) is added at the beginning of a text line, which creates a single-line blockquote. If you want to quote what someone has posted, you will need to copy and paste the message as > Going to McDonald’s, does anyone want anything?  It will add your reply below.

  • Multi-line Quotes: Multi-line quoting is when you need to quote something containing line breaks, like a series of paragraphs.

The syntax to Multi-line quotes ( >>>) at the beginning of the text creates a multi-line blockquote. For example, if you want to quote multiple lines of what someone has posted, you will need to copy and paste their message, as shown below :

2: How To Quote Someone on Discord (Using Code Blocks)

Before block codes, users had to use a different feature to quote their messages. Normally, this is used to highlight code in a long list of lines, but because it’s so simple to do it might as well be used as a quote function.

Creating a code block is very simple. Simple as you only need to wrap your text in a single backtick (`) or three backticks (“`). As a consequence, the phrase will be inserted into a code block. I don’t think it is ideal for someone who wants a quote.

  • A single backtick(`): at the start and the end of a sentence can format a single line to be into a code block. For example, if you want to quote the line, One line code blocks are neat, you write it as `One line code blocks are neat.` 

  • A triple backtick (’’’): At the start and the end of a sentence can format multiple lines to be into a code block. For example, Discord provided this haiku as an example showing how it can be quoted using a multi-line code block. As if you want to write haikus written here really shouldn’t cause conflict markdown is more fun you will write it as “` haikus written here really shouldn’t cause conflict markdown is more fun’’’

Whether you want to use code blocks or block quotes, it is up to you, although I recommend you try it and check which one is most comfortable for you.

Although there isn’t a Traditional Method of quoting, Some Discord admins may install a bot that enables Quotes. Those looking for extra customization can install Discord, a modified version of Discord that allows users to download customized themes and alter other aspects of the platform. The quote is a more complete and feature-rich self bot.

What’s excellent about Discord is that their creativity only limits users. If someone knows how to code and can utilize the existing language, they can do whatever they’d like to the platform. I hope that this guide about how to quote someone using Discord will be helpful. If you have any queries drop your views in the comment section below!

Adeel Younas

Adeel Younas

Adeel Younas, Editor in Chief of TechWafer, is a tech reviewer and creator specializing in PC hardware and artificial intelligence.

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