A score of less than 7 to 11% on this bottleneck calculator suggests that the system is not significantly affecting the CPU and GPU performance and is therefore considered running efficiently. In other words, a low score on the bottleneck calculator for PC indicates that the system is not hindering the performance of the rest of the computer.

AMD Ryzen 5 7600X


Radeon RX 6650 XT


Bottleck Type:GPU

Is Bottleneck Calculator Accurate?

To the best of our knowledge, TechWafer’s CPU and GPU bottleneck calculator is 95% accurate. It employs advanced algorithms to accurately predict whether a given CPU and GPU combination will experience a bottleneck, allowing users to make informed hardware decisions. While not perfect, it is a reliable tool for identifying potential bottlenecks in a system. Moreover, we’re always looking to improve and we’re open to suggestions

Solutions for GPU bottlenecks: upgrading graphics card, adjusting resolution, and settings.

1. Upgrading the Graphics Card:
To overcome GPU bottlenecks, consider upgrading to a more powerful graphics card that can handle the demands of your games or applications. Look for a GPU with higher VRAM, CUDA cores, and clock speed.

2. Adjusting In-Game Settings:
Lowering graphics settings in games can reduce the workload on the GPU and alleviate bottlenecks. Experiment with reducing texture quality, shadows, anti-aliasing, and other graphics options.

3. Optimizing Driver Settings:
Graphics card manufacturers often release driver updates that include performance optimizations for specific games. Ensure your GPU drivers are up to date and consider tweaking in-game settings through the GPU control panel.

4. Resolution Adjustment:
If you encounter a GPU bottleneck, lowering the screen resolution can reduce the strain on the graphics card. However, keep in mind that this may result in lower visual quality.

5. Multi-GPU Configuration:
In some cases, using multiple GPUs in SLI or CrossFire configurations can help distribute the workload and mitigate GPU bottlenecks. However, not all games and applications support multi-GPU setups, and driver support may vary.

Remember to balance your CPU and GPU upgrades:
When addressing bottlenecks, it's essential to ensure that the CPU and GPU upgrades complement each other. Upgrading one component significantly more than the other could result in a new bottleneck in the system. Evaluate your specific use case and budget constraints before making any upgrades.

Bottleneck at Other Resolutions

Resolution Result
1366x768 13.40%
1600x900 13.53%
1920x1080 13.92%
2560x1440 14.18%
3840x2160 17.07%
5120x2880 19.70%
7680x4620 26.27%

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