A score of less than 7 to 11% on this bottleneck calculator suggests that the system is not significantly affecting the CPU and GPU performance and is therefore considered running efficiently. In other words, a low score on the bottleneck calculator for PC indicates that the system is not hindering the performance of the rest of the computer.

Intel Core i7-8700 @ 3.20GHz


GeForce RTX 3060 Ti


Bottleck Type:CPU

Is Bottleneck Calculator Accurate?

To the best of our knowledge, TechWafer’s CPU and GPU bottleneck calculator is 95% accurate. It employs advanced algorithms to accurately predict whether a given CPU and GPU combination will experience a bottleneck, allowing users to make informed hardware decisions. While not perfect, it is a reliable tool for identifying potential bottlenecks in a system. Moreover, we’re always looking to improve and we’re open to suggestions

Solutions for addressing CPU bottlenecks: upgrading, overclocking, or adjusting settings.

1. Upgrading the CPU:
One of the most effective ways to address a CPU bottleneck is by upgrading to a more powerful processor. Look for a CPU with higher core count and clock speed to better handle demanding tasks and improve overall system performance.

2. Overclocking the CPU:
If you have a capable CPU and a compatible motherboard, you can consider overclocking your processor. By increasing the clock speed, you can potentially squeeze out more performance from your current CPU and reduce the bottleneck.

3. Adjusting CPU Settings:
Some CPUs come with performance settings in the BIOS or UEFI that can be tweaked to optimize performance. Ensure that your CPU is running in its highest performance mode and that power-saving features are disabled.

4. Updating Drivers and Firmware:
Keeping your CPU drivers and firmware up to date can improve its performance and compatibility with other components, reducing potential bottlenecks.

5. Enhancing Cooling Solutions:
Overheating can lead to CPU throttling, causing performance drops and bottlenecks. Investing in better cooling solutions, such as aftermarket coolers or liquid cooling, can help maintain stable performance.

Bottleneck at Other Resolutions

Resolution Result
1280x720 14.50%
1366x768 14.65%
1600x900 14.79%
1920x1080 15.22%
2560x1440 15.51%
5120x2880 21.54%
7680x4620 28.72%

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