Tatsumaki Commands to Enhance Your Discord Server Using Tatsumaki Bot


Tatsumaki is one of the most widely used discord bots to manage servers. It helps users to Discord is a chat app for gamers that allows gamers to connect for gaming purposes. Tatsumaki is one of the most widely used discord bots to manage servers. Tatsumaki has a wide variety of commands that allow server admins to ban people, change the server settings, and see who is online. Tatsumaki also has a built-in music player that allows server admins to play music from YouTube or SoundCloud.

I’ve also compiled a list of Best Discord Bots To Improve User Experience on Your Server you might be interested in. Now, Let’s start with the commands for your discord servers that you might find helpful.

Basic Tatsu Commands

Tatsumaki Bot is a Discord bot that allows you to manage your server on Discord. The following are some basic commands of Tatsu Bot:

@TatsumakiChat with Tatsumaki@Tatsumaki hello
t!help [command ]Displays a list of commands. Provide a command to get usage information & examples.t!help
t!help profile
t!pingChecks if Tatsumaki is online.t!ping
t!supportPosts a link to the Tatsumaki support server.t!supportt!guild
t!changelogFetches Tatsumaki’s changelogs from her support server.t!changelogt!changes
Manage Server
Displays Tatsumaki’s statistics.t@stats
t!avatar <[user 1 ] [user 2 ] [user 3 ] [user 4 ]> <server>Gets a user’s avatar. Up to 4 users can be selected. Use the “server” flag to get the server’s icon.t!avatar
t!avatar Rei Nicho Geil
t!avatar server
t!serverShows info about the current server such as server ID, roles, members, region, etc.t!servert!sinfo
t!channel [#channel ] [topic ]Shows info about the current channel, such as channel ID. The command also displays notifications enabled, plugins disabled & whether persistence is disabled. Mention channels to get their info, or use the “topic” flag to get the channel’s topic.t!channel
t!channel topic
t!channel #general
t!channel #general topic
t!info [user ]Shows info, such as ID and join date, about yourself or a user.t!info
t!info Roado
t!role [@role ]Shows info about a guild role. Accepts name, mention, or role id.t!role Potatost!roleinfo
t!shared [user ]Shows which servers Tatsumaki shares with you or another user. This is limited to servers on the same shard.t!shared
t!shared David
t!usage <command/server> [command ]It shows how many people used a command, globally or server-wide.t!usage server dice
t!usage profile

Social Tatsumaki Commands

These are helpful commands to help you manage the users more efficiently on discord if you use Tatsumaki Bot for Discord.

t!profile [@user ]View yours or someone else’s customizable personal global profile card.t!profile
t!profile @David
t!rank [@user ]View yours or someone else’s server rank card.t!rank
t!rank @Pyraxo
t!top [global | server ] [page ]Display members with the most server score or global XP.t!top
t!top server
t!top global 2
t!dailies [@user ]Get or award your daily credits. More credits will be given at random if awarded to someone else.t!dailies
t!dailies @Phoenix
t!reputation [@user ]Award someone a reputation point. Can only be used once every 24 hours. Leave blank to check reputation cooldown.t!reputation @Falzart!rep
t!phonebook [call | list | pickup | decline | hangup ]Allows for inter-server phone calls (text chat). You can call a random server or link up two servers.t!phonebook
t!phonebook call
Manage Server
Opens the channel’s phonebook management menu. Disable/enable random calls, add server codes for direct calls & manage the phonebook from this menu.t@phonebookt@pb
t!credits [user ] [amount ]Check your credit balance or give someone else some credits.t!credits
t!credits @Pisang 9001
t!setinfo [text ]Set the text shown on your profile info box. Maximum of 125 characters. To reset infobox, do not include any info text. Your info box can also be configured on the profile dashboard.t!setinfo This is my info box text!
t!settitle [text ]Set your profile title text (shown below your name). Maximum of 23 characters. To reset your title, do not include any title text. Your title can also be configured on the profile dashboard.t!settitle The Chicken Man
t!backgroundPosts a link to your profile dashboard where you can purchase & change your profile background.t!backgroundt!backgrounds

Fun Tatsumaki Commands

If you want to have some fun on your discord server and make it bit interesting these are commands you are looking for.

t!image <subreddit > [–nsfw] [–day | –week | –month | –year | –all]Get a random image from Imgur.t!image awwnime --montht!imgur
t!dice [(rolls) d(sides) ]Roll a dice with 6 sides or as specified.t!dice
t!dice 2d12
t!choose <option > | <option > | [option ] | [ … ]Makes a choice for you.t!choose Sleep | Discord
t!8ball [question ]Ask the magic 8 balls a question.t!8ball Is the 8ball magical?
t!coinFlip a coin (or some coins).t!coin
t!coin 12
t!rps [rock | paper | scissors ]Rock, paper, scissors.t!rps rock
t!numberfacts [number ]Obtain facts about numbers.t!numberfacts 42t!numbers
t!catfactsCatfacts! Obtain facts about cats.t!catfactst!neko
t!fortune [category ]Get a fortune from the following categories: all, computers, cookie, definitions, miscellaneous, people, platitudes, politics, science, and wisdom. By default, wisdom is selected.t!fortune cookie
t!catGives you a random cat.t!cat
t!cookie <@user >Give someone a cookie.t!cookie @David
t!psychopass <@user >Have the Sibyl System check someone’s crime coefficient.t!psychopass @Liont!psycho
t!reverse <text >Returns the input backward.t!reverse racecar

Utilities Command Tatsumaki

These utilities command will help you do many tasks, for example, searching videos on youtube and voting, etc.

t@rss <add | list | remove>
Manage Channels
Displays the RSS feed management menus. Subscribe, list and remove RSS feeds on channels.t@rss add
t@rss list
t@rss remove
t!youtube <Search Terms >Search and return YouTube videos.t!youtube aussie man reviews
t!vote <start | check | end> [t:<topic >] | <option 1 > | <option 2 > | [ … ]Start a new vote, vote for an option or check a vote.t!vote start t:Doge is laif | Yes | No
t!vote 1
t!vote check
t!vote end
t!urban <Search Terms >Search and return Urban Dictionary definitions.t!urban obama
t!strawpoll <option 1 > | <option 2 > | [ … ]Create a Strawpoll with multiple options.t!strawpoll
t!strawpoll chicken | dog | cat
t!wiki <Search Terms >Search and return Wikipedia articles.t!wiki chickens
t!stocks <Stock Symbol >Provide a stock symbol to return information about that particular stock.t!stocks AAPLt!stock
t!weather <City/City,Code> or <ZIP/ZIP,Code>Obtains the weather using open weather map.t!weather London
t!weather 10016,NY
t!shorten <Link URL> [Vanity URL ]Shorten links with www.frid.li link shortener.t!shorten www.google.com
t!todo [ add | remove | clear | list ]Personal to-do list.t!todo add Go outside
t!todo remove
t!todo clear
t!todo list

Animu Commands for Tatsumaki

If you are anime lover and have an interest in manga’s these commands might interest you.

t!anime <Search Terms >Gets details of an anime from MAL.t!anime Nagi no Asukara
t!manga <Search Terms >Gets details of manga from MAL.t!manga Nana
t!schoolidol [Idol name ]Fetches LLSIF cards.t!schoolidol Makit!sic
t!osu [ sig | profile | best | recent ]Searches osu! profiles, plays and signatures.t!osu
t!osu sig Obama
t!osu best shaneoyo

Memes on Tatsumaki Bot

There’s only one command related to memes on this bot and you might find it interesting.

t!beautiful [someone ]This is beautiful.t!beautiful
t!beautiful @pyraxo

Configuration Commands for Tatsumaki

These commands helps you configure your discrod server using this bot.

Manage Server
Sets a custom prefix for your guild. The command opens the prefix customization menu.t@prefix
Manage Server
Disables specific commands for the channel/server. The command opens the command disable the menu.t@disable
Manage Server
Re-enables disabled commands for the channel/server. The command opens the command re-enabling menu.t@enable
Manage Server
Lets Tatsumaki automatically assigns a role for new users. The command opens the auto role menu.t@autorole
Manage Channels
Configure Tatsumaki to ignore all commands on set channels. This command opens the ignore menu.t@ignore
Manage Server
Allows you to enable or disable talking to Tatsumaki. This command opens the botspeak menu.t@botspeak
Manage Server
Configure the server welcome message. This command opens the welcome message menu.t@welcome
Manage Server
Configure the server goodbye notification. This command opens the goodbye notification menu.t@goodbye
Manage Channels
Enables & disables notifications for channels. Included notifications are: Voice channel join/leave, ban & kick, username + nickname changes and server members join/leave. This command opens the notifications menu.t@notify
Manage Channels
Disable / Enable XP & Points gain in channels. Disable / Enable the level-up messages on your server. This command opens the persistence menu.t@persistence
Manage Server
Set the server timezone for commands and notifications with timestamps. This command opens the timezone setup menu.t@timezonet@timezones

Management Commands for Tatsumaki

These commands will help you in managing your discord server with a lot of cool features.

t@help [command ]Displays a list of moderator commands. Provide a moderator command to get its info and usage examples.t@help
t@help scores
t@scores [add <@user > <score >]
Manage Server
This menu command allows you to manage your server scoreboard and give server score to users.t@scores
t@scores add @Ian 9001
t@prune <1-1000 > [user ] | [“string” ] | [ bots | images | mentions | links ]
Manage Messages
Prunes the specified number of messages from the channel. Can use flags to specify message content to be deleted.t@prune 23
t@prune 5 @pyraxo
t@prune 20 "Donald Trump"
t@prune 30 images
t@prune 10 bots
t@kick <@user > [kick message ]
Kick Members
Kicks a user. You are allowed to specify a kick message.t@kick @kon
t@kick @kon Too many sick aerial goals!
t@ban <@user > [ban message ]
Ban Members
Bans a user. You are allowed to specify a ban message.t@ban @kon
t@ban @kon Too many sick aerial goals!
t@blacklist <add/remove/clear > [id ]
Ban Members
Adds a certain user id to the server blacklist.t@blacklist add 140912052657979392

NSFW Commands for Tatsumaki

These are nsfw commands for Tatsumaki bot which may be the only one nsfw bot on discord.

Manage Server
Opens the NSFW toggle menu. The menu allows you to enable / disable NSFW on individual channels.t@nsfw
t!image <subreddit > –nsfwSearches the subreddit for random NSFW images hosted by Imgur.t!image gonewild --nsfwt!imgur
t!gelbooru [tag 1 ] [tag 2 ] [ ]Searches the Gelbooru image board for random images. You can supply tags to narrow down your searches.t!gelbooru
t!gelbooru mushoku_tensei roxy_migurdia
t!yandere [tag 1 ] [tag 2 ] [ ]Searches the Yandere image board for random images. You can supply tags to narrow down your searches.t!yandere
t!yandere mushoku eris_greyrat
t!danbooru [tag ]Searches the Danbooru image board for random images. You can supply up to 1 tag to narrow down your searches.t!danbooru
t!danbooru sylphiette_(mushoku_tensei)

Tatsu commands are a great way to manage your Discord servers through the Tatsumaki Discord bot. I hope you enjoyed using them and found them helpful. If you need any assistance do let me know.

Adeel Younas

Adeel Younas

Adeel Younas, Editor in Chief of TechWafer, is a tech reviewer and creator specializing in PC hardware and artificial intelligence.

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