A score of less than 7 to 11% on this bottleneck calculator suggests that the system is not significantly affecting the CPU and GPU performance and is therefore considered running efficiently. In other words, a low score on the bottleneck calculator for PC indicates that the system is not hindering the performance of the rest of the computer.
Bottleneck Results for Intel Core i7-13700K vs GeForce RTX 4080:
Based on the bottleneck type, it looks like you should use a powerful GPU to optimize your performance.
These are bottleneck results for 2560x1440 resolution and CPU: Intel Core i7-13700K vs GPU: GeForce RTX 4080
Bottleneck: 11.78%
Bottleneck type: GPU
Calculate Bottleneck for another CPU and GPU
Is Bottleneck Calculator Accurate?
To the best of our knowledge, TechWafer’s CPU and GPU bottleneck calculator is 95% accurate. It employs advanced algorithms to accurately predict whether a given CPU and GPU combination will experience a bottleneck, allowing users to make informed hardware decisions. While not perfect, it is a reliable tool for identifying potential bottlenecks in a system. Moreover, we’re always looking to improve and we’re open to suggestions.